
Oldies But Goodies Classic Car & Bike Show at Crossroads Lodge at Lebanon Station






Body Issues



Focus on spring pots.

The front threaded tubes had significant rust. The passenger side was bad enough that I had to cut the frame and bend the mounting tube up to get it out. At this point I had already decided to replace the frame.

The new threaded tubes had some damage on the threads that was easy to clean up with a file. Everything went back together with lots of copper grease.

The new rubber bumpers were too tight, so the spring pot assemblies would not fit in the frame. A hook blade for cutting tar paper was a perfect shape to trim the edge of the bumpers down. The specs call for a little play, but I ended up assembling these with less play than I’d like.


Body Restoration

Body by Bill at

Bill found significant rot in the body and had to replace much of the floor pan and gutters under the glass. We chose pure white and PANTONE: PMS 281 C, the official colors of the Tampa Bay Lightning.


Replace Tail Lights

Tail light covers are cracked, getting moisture in the housing.

New taillights ready. The plastic base needs to be bought separately. I re-used the bulbs from the old enclosures as they all worked. However, one of the enclosures had offset guide pins on one of the bulbs, so the bulb didn’t fit in the new socket that had even pins. Very strange. When installing the base, the rubber gasket actually goes towards the car.

Rusty screw mounts and missing gasket contributing to problems here.

The new enclosures have wires that are not color coded. So I pulled the old wires through the holes to make sure I had the right ones in the right spots.

Fit the new enclosures on, base first with rubber gasket to the metal, then the assembly over the base with gasket making a good seal on the plastic.

8mm nuts on the back side. Used a flat washer then a lock washer under the nuts. The top ones are recessed, and really easy to drop hardware down in the gap. The washer I dropped in there will live there for many years to come.